Fiber Optic Cable Solutions
Industry competitive fiber optic cable technology
Audio Cables
Bridge Boards
CD/DVD Duplicators
Clearance Center
Custom Cables
Drive Modules
Fibre Channel
Firewire Cables
Injection Molding
iSCSI & Enclosures
Notebook Drive Kits
Rackmount Enclosures
Rackmount Server
RAID/JBOD Enclosures
Rail Kits
SAS/Mini-SAS Cables and Adapters
SATA Cables
SCSI Cables
SFP Cables
USB Cables
Video Cables / HDMI
Wytron Duplicators & Controllers
ZipSpin Duplicators


Fiber Optic Cable

Fiber optic PDF info
For additional information on each product, contact PDE Technology today.

Fiber optic cable solutions for fast and reliable network communications. These data cables through custom fiber optic configuration offers solutions to fit your network architecture. PDE Technology offers fiber optic cables for LC to LC, LC to ST, LC to SC, SC to SC, SC to ST, MTRJ to MTRJ, MTRJ to ST, and MTRJ to SC. Also offering fiber optic cables for the 10Gb OM3 Patch cable with aqua tone jacket.
LC to LC 50/125 Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 62.5/125 LC/LC Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

LC to LC fiber optic cable

Fiber optic cable lengths

28-0397 1M 28-0166 1M
28-0394 2M 28-0062 2M
28-0193 3M 28-0063 3M
28-0398 4M 28-0064 4M
28-0194 5M 28-0065 5M
28-0418 6M 28-0066 6M
28-0419 7M 28-0411 7M
28-0420 8M 28-0412 8M
28-0421 9M 28-0069 9M
28-0178 10M 28-0070 10M
28-0422 12M 28-0118 12M
28-0212 15M 28-0071 15M
28-0235 20M 28-0072 20M
28-0236 25M 28-0184 25M
28-0187 30M 28-0079 30M
28-0396 50M 28-0318 50M
New Fiber Optic Cable LC to LC (10 Gb) 50/125 Duplex, Multimode AQUA 10Gb, OM3 Patch Cable (Fiber Optic)

Fiber optic cable with 10Gb

LC to LC 10Gb Fiber Optic Cable

28-0397-10G 1M
28-0394-10G 2M
28-0193-10G 3M
28-0398-10G 4M
28-0194-10G 5M
28-0418-10G 6M
28-0419-10G 7M
28-0420-10G 8M
28-0421-10G 9M
28-0178-10G 10M
28-0422-10G 12M
28-0212-10G 15M
28-0235-10G 20M
28-0236-10G 25M
28-0187-10G 30M
28-0396-10G 50M
LC to ST 50/125 Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 62.5/125 LC/ST Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

Fiber Optic LC to ST Cable

Fiber optic solutions for LC to ST cable.

28-0379 1M 28-0401 1M
28-0380 2M 28-0402 2M
28-0219 3M 28-0403 3M
28-0381 4M 28-0404 4M
28-0382 5M 28-0405 5M
28-0319 6M 28-0406 6M
28-0320 7M 28-0407 7M
28-0321 8M 28-0408 8M
28-0322 9M
28-0409 9M
28-0383 10M
28-0410 10M
28-0384 15M
28-0180 15M
28-0385 25M 28-0414 25M
28-0323 30M
28-0415 30M
LC to SC 50/125 Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 62.5/125 LC/SC Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

Fiber Optic Cable 1M to 100M lengths

Fiber Optic LC to SC Cable

28-0215 1M 28-0099 1M
28-0237 2M 28-0067 2M
28-0196 3M 28-0073 3M
28-0548 4M 28-0100 4M
28-0197 5M 28-0075 5M
28-0324 6M 28-0112 6M
28-0325 7M 28-0416 7M
28-0326 8M 28-0417 8M
28-0327 9M 28-0102 9M
28-0424 10M 28-0080 10M
28-0163 15M 28-0103 15M
28-0425 20M 28-0088 20M
28-0342 25M 28-0104 25M
28-0191 30M
28-0096 30M
28-0211 50M 28-0328 50M
28-0189 60M 28-0329 60M
28-0190 100M 28-0526 100M
10Gb Fiber Optic Cable LC to SC (10 Gb) 50/125 Duplex, Multimode AQUA 10Gb, OM3 Patch Cable (Fiber Optic)

10Gb Fiber Optic Cable

28-0215-10G 1M
28-0237-10G 2M
28-0196-10G 3M
28-0548-10G 4M
28-0197-10G 5M
28-0324-10G 6M
28-0325-10G 7M
28-0326-10G 8M
28-0327-10G 9M
28-0424-10G 10M
28-0163-10G 15M
28-0425-10G 20M
28-0342-10G 25M
28-0191-10G 30M
28-0211-10G 50M
28-0189-10G 60M
28-0190-10G 100M
SC to SC 50/125 Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 62.5/125 SC/SC Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

28-0091 1M 28-0053 1M
28-0092 2M 28-0054 2M
28-0363 3M 28-0049 3M
28-0330 4M 28-0227 4M
28-0093 5M 28-0032 5M
28-0185 6M 28-0106 6M
28-0332 7M 28-0238 7M
28-0333 8M 28-0228 8M
28-0334 9M 28-0107 9M
28-0094 10M 28-0033 10M
28-0335 12M
28-0239 12M
28-0426 15M
28-0051 15M
28-0336 20M
28-0048 20M
28-0427 25M
28-0052 25M
28-0210 50M 28-0528 50M
28-0192 60M 28-0213 60M
28-0200 100M 28-0345 100M
SC to SC (10 Gb) 50/125 Duplex, Multimode AQUA 10Gb, OM3 Patch Cable (Fiber Optic)

28-0091-10G 1M
28-0092-10G 2M
28-0363-10G 3M
28-0330-10G 4M
28-0093-10G 5M
28-0185-10G 6M
28-0332-10G 7M
28-0333-10G 8M
28-0334-10G 9M
28-0094-10G 10M
28-0335-10G 12M
28-0426-10G 15M
28-0336-10G 20M
28-0427-10G 25M
28-0210-10G 50M
28-0192-10G 60M
28-0200-10G 100M
SC to ST 50/125 Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 62.5/125 SC/ST Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

28-0428 1M 28-0125 1M
28-0429 2M 28-0126 2M
28-0430 3M 28-0183 3M
28-0337 4M 28-0224 4M
28-0431 5M 28-0181 5M
28-0432 10M
28-0129 10M
28-0338 15M
28-0525 15M
28-0339 20M
28-0110 20M
28-0527 25M
28-0111 25M
MTRJ to MTRJ 62.5/125 MTRJ/MTRJ Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

28-0221 1M
28-0331 2M
28-0340 3M
28-0343 5M
28-0344 10M
MTRJ to ST 62.5/125 MTRJ/ST Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic 

28-0171 1M
28-0172 2M
28-0173 3M
28-0174 4M
28-0175 5M
MTRJ to SC 62.5/125 MTRJ/SC Duplex, Multimode Fiber Optic

28-0220 1M
28-0165 2M
28-0170 3M
28-0230 5M
28-0161 10M
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